Tubus System has now started our largest ever project ever for waste water pipe renovation through relining!
On January the 7th 2014 it all finally started after months of planning and preparations. Our teams are now on site working with the buildings owned by the housing association Brf. Farmen in Täby, just outside Stockholm in Sweden. Brf. Farmen is one of the larger housing associations in Sweden, consisting of 3 storey buildings with apartments ranging from 39,5 m2 up to 131,5 m2.
The relining project will go on for about 2.5 years divided into 5 phases and during this period Tubus System will reline all the waste water pipes in roughly 850 apartments. On top of the apartments Tubus System will reline around 700 rain and waste water vertical pipes, and 7000(!) meter horizontal collecting pipes under the basement floor.
The project management is of course one of the major keys to success.
Paul Seppänen, Project Manager at Tubus System explains:
- As in all industry areas, project planning, structure and preparations are important factors in order to succeed. Well in advance of the project start we made thorough inspections in the basements, the apartments and other related premises where we will work and need access to. This of course so that we could plan in detail every step in the project as efficient as possible. We have held numerous information meetings for the members of the cooperative, in order to clear out all possible questions the members might have, but also to explain who we are as a company, how we work and whom they should contact if any further questions raises later on. We are also handing out directions and guidelines to the residents of what to think about before we show up in their house and apartment.
Now we have been producing for about two months and the project is running well according to plan and I don't see any reason to why it shouldn't continue doing that.
At the same time, it is now time to start the detailed preparations for the next phase. Inpections in all apartments shall be conducted and information meetings with the residents shall be held a month in advance.
Why an information meeting only one month in advance and not earlier?
- It is always a balancing act on when to hand out specific information. The flow of information at the right time is important and we cannot hand out too much information at the same time and too early. We've found out that conducting an information meeting approximately one month before we show up in the residents house, is working well to provide the right amount of information and so that the information stays reasonably fresh until they get the arrival notice in their mailbox a few days before it all starts.
The first out of five phases are proceeding according to plan and the next phase is planned to start early summer. Read more about the pipe renovation project for Brf. Farmen [in Swedish]
If you want to know more about relining you are welcome to contact Tubus System at info@tubussystem.com or for more contact details, follow the link.